- inspire student interest in science
- aspire to intellectual rigour in their teaching
- advocate for, advise and mentor students
- interact with families and community
- select content and adapt and design curricula to meet the interests, knowledge, understanding, abilities and experiences of students
- set challenging goals for their students
- constructs learning environments that are inviting, productive, supportive and safe
- design assessment that supports learning and provides a valid basis for reporting
- nurtures curiosity and exploration
- models systematic scientific processes in personal and professional contexts
- work collaboratively within and across disciplines and grade levels
- contribute to and support the science education community
- provide opportunities for decision making and involvement in community-based problems.
- students’ needs are paramount
- all students should experience success
- students are individuals who learn in different ways
- students need to learn actively and take responsibility for their own learning
- students and teachers learn science by engaging in: inquiry-based, negotiated, personally meaningful, collaborative tasks
- practical investigations form an essential part of learning science
- assessment is a key component to advance learning
- students should have an integral role in assessment
- science and science education are dynamic
- continual professional learning is necessary
- examining the impacts and issues that relate to science forms an integral part of science education
- is a valuable framework for knowing and doing that underpins personal inquiry in all facets of life
- relies on the generation of reliable testable evidence
- is a creative collaborative process
- contributes to effective citizenship
- science literacy can help people to make informed choices
- is inquiring minds; asking questions; a way of thinking
- underpins our society
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