Qld Science Teacher (STAQ)
The Queensland Science Teacher is published biannually by the Science Teachers’ Association of Queensland.
Login to the Members Area to view the Queensland Science Teacher journals, available for download in whole or in sections.
Are you a teacher, academic or otherwise affiliated with science education? You may be interested in contributing an article to our journal. Our members like to keep on top of latest research findings. They also like to learn from the experiences of each other. Reviews of lessons, units, strategies, excursions, programs, PD events or books are all greatly appreciated. Please read the Guidelines for Contributors and contact us, if you are interested.
If you are a member, you might also consider sharing some information about yourself in our member profile section of the journal.
Furthermore, we welcome your contributions to our “Sharing Practice” pages of the journal. In this section, teachers are invited to share their practice, experience, ideas and general musings on a topic. The topic for the next journal can be found on the last page of the current journal. To contribute ideas, please contact us.
If you are an advertiser, you can find further details on our website about our advertising rates.